
Stricken by fear and panic
Even the greatest warriors fall by an unforeseen enemy
For their spirit is shaken at first
Knocking the Wall of Defense
With heightened response its flight or fight
To prevent or to cure; still victims of a dreadful time
It is never about the strong nor the weak
But to stay strong in the time of the weak

Beyond the wall; Exposed
Unbearable pain manifests; A sufferer
Of (Either or both) physical and emotional pain
To be the one or see your loved one in distress
This of course is the material world; everything is felt

Though amid this chaos the world sleeps peacefully
As it was handed over to be taken care of
In the hands of services of Nations Pride.
All those scarifies will not die in vain!

No enemy to be taken likely
Divided and Conquering it spreads like wildfire
And in the same time we mustn’t be taken aback
United we stand (apart) to extinguish it in its path

The storm will pass; its a matter of faith n control
Till then To hold down the Fort is the task at hand
So that the World may wake up again
Not in the battlefield but at home where it should be.